Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Mt St Helens

Today we drove the 50 or so miles from Rainier to Mt. St. Helens. We left the motorhome at a parking lot used by snowmobilers and drove the last 17 miles to Windy Ridge to view the side of the mountain that collapsed during the eruption in 1980. It was an amazing sight. After 25 years the amount of destruction visible was amazing. We climbed the over 430 steps to the top of the ridge to get the best view.

Spirit Lake still has logs blown down by the eruption floating on the lake! The crater left by the explosion and all of the mud and rocks that slid down the mountain and into the valley is huge. We spent a lot of time just surveying the area wondering at the power of nature.

Many plants, especially flowers and heather, are growing in the devastation. Trees are coming back, albeit slowly. Each of you should see this sight yourself.

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