Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Watching the Cattle

Wally used to worked in the Livestock Yard for eight years. He took us up on the cat walk to see the cowboys sorting the cattle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Dan & Karen,

We've been thinking of you and wanted you to know. Looks like you've been busy and happy with all the visiting, the wedding, the work on your yard, and your travels.

The photos of Alaska made me nostalgic for its beauty and bounty.

Your yard looks great. We particularly like the flagstone, and plan to use some in our yard, too. Do you plan to plant short groundcovers between them-we do.

Steve sent photos of our own projects; if you didn't receive them, let us know.

You might remember that Steve's brother Doug is quite ill. We plan to take his telescope with us on our way to San Carlos, and meet him and his partner Jan at Joshua Tree National Monument for a week of telescoping. So we now have a timeline of leaving Washington around Thanksgiving...we'll see if that holds.

We're enjoying the cabin in the midst of the projects...sure is nice to have the view and some room to spread out!

Well, back to the grindstone. Happy Trails to you both, and give each other a hug from us.

Veronica & Steve