Sunday, March 16, 2008

Working, Finally

Yesterday, I drove the motorhome with the Tacoma behind down to the property north of Canon City. I am using the skid hoe on little digging projects to get a feel for it.

When I hooked up and tested the skid hoe (backhoe), one of the connectors broke. I should be able to get it fixed in Canon City but and frustrated with the manufacturer. I guess it is just the kind of thing that happens when using mechanical equipment.

You might see that the TV antenna is up on the motorhome. I discovered last night that I can pick up four, count 'em, four channels. Not the greatest of reception but good enough to get the weather and news.

The weather has been cool today, even spitting a couple of snowflakes every now and then. It is supposed to be colder tomorrow. Brrrrrrrr.


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